Local Transport to Luperon Town
You can contact the office or bar for free concierge services to get tour operator details. We can also arrange local Tuk Tuk or motorcycle taxis to town. Ask our staff for local rates during regular and after hours. It's useful to get a local SIM card from Claro or Altice (bring your passport) for WhatsApp, and save your taxi contacts for future rides.
Puerto Plata, the start of tourism in the Dominican Republic, features beautiful landscapes with beaches, mountains, valleys, and rivers. It's known for its fertile land where cacao and coffee grow and contains the clearest amber in the world. In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered gold here and named it “Silver Port” due to the shimmering clouds over Mount Isabel de Torres. He settled in La Isabela with the Tainos, the area's original inhabitants, and Spaniards built the first church and Columbus's first home in the Americas. You can explore these archaeological sites in the national park.
Tourist Attractions and Tours
Fricolandia Puerto Plata is one of those unique natural places that become a landmark to any destination. An hour and a half from the city of Puerto Plata, specifically in the El Castillo community, in the municipality of Luperón, This exquisite dream destination offers the client the option of choosing between making a reservation for a reasonable price that includes lunch and drinks service; or the possibility of bringing your snack, while enjoying all the attractions of the place.
Fricolandia, Puerto Plata
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Cayo Arena offers schools of tropical fish that can also easily be seen in shallow turquoise waters, making this spot a paradise for snorkeling fans; the area boasts some of the most abundant marine life in the DR, with corals and sponges, and schools of tropical fish swimming around your feet.
Montecristi, Puerto Plata
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The largest producer of traditionally made rum in the DR since 1888, Brugal is aged in around 200,000 American white oak barrels on-site at the distillery in Puerto Plata city. Tours of the distillery are available to learn about the making of this popular brand and end with rum tasting, as well as the chance of purchasing well-priced premium rums on-site.
Puerto Plata, Puerto Plata
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Christopher Columbus built the first European settlement in the New World here on his second voyage in 1493, near the mouth of the Bajabonico River and facing the bay of La Isabela, populating it with his entourage of approximately 1,500 Spaniards. Named after the then-Queen of Spain, the archeological ruins of the settlement, now a national park, are still standing in this bay area, including Columbus’s first home, perched on a cliff overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, and nearby, the first church.
El Castillo, Puerto Plata
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Ocean World Marina complex features a host of entertainment day or night, including an on-site casino and nightclub, a restaurant with a weekly Bravíssimo show, and an adjacent marine adventure park.
Cofresí, Puerto Plata
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