Local Transport to Luperon Town
You can contact the office or bar for free concierge services to get tour operator details. We can also arrange local Tuk Tuk or motorcycle taxis to town. Ask our staff for local rates during regular and after hours. It's useful to get a local SIM card from Claro or Altice (bring your passport) for WhatsApp, and save your taxi contacts for future rides.
Puerto Plata, the start of tourism in the Dominican Republic, features beautiful landscapes with beaches, mountains, valleys, and rivers. It's known for its fertile land where cacao and coffee grow and contains the clearest amber in the world. In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered gold here and named it “Silver Port” due to the shimmering clouds over Mount Isabel de Torres. He settled in La Isabela with the Tainos, the area's original inhabitants, and Spaniards built the first church and Columbus's first home in the Americas. You can explore these archaeological sites in the national park.